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Prefabricated Greenway

The application of prefabricated marking: the application of road prefabricated marking belt in pavement text and pattern marking. As a kind of pavement marking material, road prefabricated marking belt not only has the performance of conventional marking, but also has the advantages of abrasion resistance, skid resistance and simple construction. It has been widely used in developed countries abroad.

The application of prefabricated marking: the application of road prefabricated marking belt in pavement text and pattern marking. As a kind of pavement marking material, road prefabricated marking belt not only has the performance of conventional marking, but also has the advantages of abrasion resistance, skid resistance and simple construction. It has been widely used in developed countries abroad.

Prefabricated multi-color greenway series products have been tested by the Ministry of Communications Traffic Engineering Testing Center and the European BAST Testing Center. The indicators of the products meet the national standards and reach the level of BAST P7, reaching the advanced level at home and abroad.

Prefabricated multi-color greenway can be widely used in expressways, urban roads, factories, office parks, Park roads, residential roads, villas, sidewalks, non-motorized lanes, motor lanes, squares, stadiums, etc.

Prefabricated multi-color greenways can not only decelerate, prevent skid, beautify and warn, but also be widely used. A large number of comparative data prove that their application is not only conducive to traffic congestion, but also plays a decisive role in urban landscape greening, adding a beautiful landscape line for beautifying the environment!

    Urban Greenway: Especially in pursuit of beautiful color, bicycle signs can be painted.
    Theme Park Pavement: Rich Colors Can Form Individualized Patterns Pavement.
    Municipal Pavement: Especially suitable for old and new asphalt road color transformation project, construction fast and low cost.
    Bus lanes: waterborne products can be constructed in wet condition, used in South and north, anti-snowmelt agent.
宁明县| 屯昌县| 安达市| 尼木县| 比如县| 江津市| 吴堡县| 中卫市| 禄丰县| 永修县| 保亭| 汉寿县| 巨野县| 平顶山市| 洪泽县| 辽宁省| 南岸区| 平邑县| 泾源县| 汝南县| 女性| 城固县| 岱山县| 阿巴嘎旗| 五大连池市| 北流市| 南雄市| 绥阳县| 革吉县| 吉林市| 清新县| 蓬莱市| 九龙坡区| 许昌市| 山东| 体育| 连城县| 年辖:市辖区| 洪雅县| 九寨沟县| 加查县|