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Where are the main uses of color anti-skid pavement?

Release time:2019-01-22 Browse times:0

Colored anti-skid pavement is a special pavement with two functions and characteristics, namely, color and anti-skid, which is formed on the original asphalt or concrete pavement by adding color anti-skid overlay, such as highway ramp, sharp bend, culvert entrance, ETC special road, color bus special road, etc.

The scope of application of this standard is stipulated in JTT 712-2008 of the Ministry of Communications: "This standard is applicable to all kinds of anti-skid markings and anti-skid coatings used on our country's highways. Therefore, it refers to highway applications, including highways and municipal roads, while general urban greenways, slow lanes, beautiful rural roads, landscape roads and so on are not suitable for the collective term "color anti-skid pavement", nor is it necessary to select materials or set anti-skid values according to this standard.

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