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Professional floor mat for swimming pool safety

Release time:2019-01-22 Browse times:0

Swimming, as a leisure sport, not only relaxes the body and mind of the public, but also strengthens the body and becomes a popular way of entertainment and relaxation. As a place for leisure and fitness, swimming pool has become a place for consumers to enjoy leisure and recreation. Swimming enthusiasts'large-scale increase is a good thing, but if the safety measures of swimming pools do not keep up, it will bring many potential safety hazards.

The proportion of hospitalization data such as fracture and sprain caused by accidental slip accounts for 35% of all accidents every year. Most of them are old people and children. The proportion of elderly people falling is higher than 63.8%. The problem of anti-skid has become one of the social focal points, so it is urgent to solve the hidden danger of anti-skid.

As a popular anti-skid measure in swimming pools, anti-skid mattress is mostly used in major swimming pools and fitness places in China. It can play a role of anti-skid, so as to ensure that tourists are not injured, thereby reducing the accident of falls, and also play a beautiful role to a certain extent.

The swimming pool anti-skid pad has the same quality and appearance as the floor, but also has a special surface design, and it is very convenient to use clean, more importantly, the advantages of the swimming pool anti-skid pad, so that the pool floor out of the trouble of wet slippery is no longer a fantasy.

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